The entertainment business includes varies of segments, such as, theatre, film studios, theme parks, event stations, and many more. It is a misconception that hoisting equipment’s are only used in the industrial industries.

Hoists are extensively used behind the scenes, for instance, moving instruments, adjusting lights, setting sound systems or moving heavy equipment and items.  The type of hoist depends on the situation at hand, where electric chain hoists are often used in difficult circumstances. On the other hand, manual chain hoists are commonly used when it comes to lifting heavy gear. 

DELTA provides a line of products for the entertainment industry, stage hoists among others. Its frame is made from high strength steel and is equipped with an detachable coupler, which is convenient and compact. Optional aluminium case and water proof cover available for travelling purposes and extra protection.  DELTA BLACK manual chain hoist is another example. They are especially made for the entertainment industry. Cover of this line of hoist is black including other components